Across the globe, air quality is a serious issue, with 92% of the global populations living in places where air quality doesn’t meet WHO guidelines – whether due to industrial pollution, forest fires, or pollution from cars. What many people don’t realize about air quality issues, though, is that it does more than impacting your breathing, Poor air quality can cause neurological issues, headaches and dizziness, hearing issues, and, in many cases, skin complaints.
Is Dirty Air Causing Your Skin Problems?
One of the most common consequences of poor air quality on the skin is rapid aging; that’s because our skin absorbs chemicals from the air around us. These toxins can destroy vitamin E in the skin, breaking down the barrier between your skin and all pollutants in the air. That means your skin will absorb greater amounts of pollutants the more damaged it becomes.
Fixing damaged skin
Aging And Air Quality
In addition to absorbing toxins, increased exposure to poor air quality can also cause your skin to age more quickly, increasing fine lines and wrinkles and causing the skin to appear dull. That’s because air pollution deprives your skin of oxygen and increases damage by free radicals. This, along with excessive sun exposure, can lead to dull, discolored spots, rough patches, and other forms of irritation.
Treating Pollution Damage
If your skin is aging rapidly due to pollution, there are a number of different ways you can protect yourself and even reverse some of the damage, and the first step is also the simplest: wash your face regularly. Use your hands or a clean washcloth, as well as a gentle cleanser, and wash your face multiple times a day. You also want to avoid using water that’s too hot, as it will strip away the protective oils on your skin. You need to retain those to prevent penetration by pollutants.
Another way to treat aging caused by skin pollution is by consuming plenty of antioxidant-rich foods to neutralize the impact of free radicals in your system. These include foods like berries, greens, and beans while minimizing high-fat foods in your diet. You can also use many of these fruits in facial masks with products like yogurt and coconut oil, to rejuvenate your skin from the outside. Another way to protect and improve your skin can be found using Era Organics cream. It offers many benefits to smooth and hydrate your skin.
Filter Out Damage
Despite the fact that the majority of the world’s population lives in places with poor air quality, some live with far more serious issues than others – and for much greater lengths of time. For example, 7 of the 30 cities with the worst air quality are in India, while areas such as the Pacific Northwest in the United States may experience periods of poor air quality due to forest fires, but otherwise, air quality is typically good. Those who live in areas with persistently poor air quality should install HEPA filters in their homes, vacuum regularly, and keep the windows closed. All of these steps will reduce the amount of pollution you’re exposed to in your home.
Poor air quality is at the root of many health issues, and the problem is likely to get worse with growing populations in urban centers and continued climate change, which means we all need to know how to protect our skin against the damage polluted air can cause. If you want to look your age, protect your skin. And don’t forget the sunscreen. Not only will it protect against another source of skin damage, but it will also provide an added barrier between your skin and the pollution in the air. The more protection you have, the better.
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